Sunday, April 10, 2011

Off to a good start.....

So yesterday, April 9th, I kicked off my outdoor bike training with a bit of a challenge... I had a chance to go out and ride with a group that is faster/better/ and far more experienced than I am at the training /Triathlon world... Nervous is a bit of an understatement to explain how I felt going to bed on Friday night but.... I had decided that I would go out there and do my best, have fun, enjoy finally being outside, and if I needed to fall back I would... And so it was I found myself at 8AM checking tires and gearing up to hit the road in Mt. Albert......
60km later I rode back into the parking lot, alive, smiling, and feeling AMAZING!! Oh goodness yes they were faster and I got used to seeing them from afar but - they're also a great group of people who would stop and wait for me to catch up at points and every once in a while would circle back and ride along for a while before whipping off.... I certainly don't expect that for future rides, and oh yes I will head out for future rides - you dont' get better by training with people at your level all the time...
Wow - I guess this past week really has been one for challenging myself. On Wednesday our lanes were full at swim training and the next lane up a level only had 1 person in it.. She kindly accepted my query to join her and after the group drills when we moved onto the lane drills I chose to do the ones set up for that lane. A little harder than the ones set out for the lane I normally swim in, and I didn't quite make it through them all in the allotted time but.... I pushed myself and it felt great!!! Oh believe me - the following Friday I was back to my regular lane!!!!!!
What this has all helped prove to me is that yes - I've come a long way but... The road to Muskoka 70.3 in September is getting shorter and I've still got a long way to go... I dont' just want to finish the race, I want to do well in it!! So yes - going from a 5K walk to a 1/2 marathon walk to 2 Tri a Tri's, a 15K run, a 1/2 marathon run, and the finishing touch of hitting a personal best so far at the Angus Glen 10K run 1year later from starting this athletic journey is awesome.... But getting off my bike  yesterday after 60K and running for 10 minutes reminded me of what's ahead!!  It's funny I guess when you no longer think - yes that was ok but look where I came from and instead are thinking - that was ok but I need to do better!!!
Rule of thumb though is that I have to enjoy it too!!! So while it felt totally odd - I took today off... Slept in, lounged over breakfast and read the weekend paper.... Caught up on some household chores, got some more trim painted in the guest bedroom, watched movies, and yes - updated my blog... It was hard thunderstorms earlier which made me even happier not to have to go out and run but here it is , 4:30PM and the sun is shining and I actually want to go for a run.. Until I look at my training schedule from Brent and I don't get another full day off until Easter weekend so..... I'm taking full advantage of today!!!!

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