Sunday, May 1, 2011

Never Ceases to Amaze Me

What the body can endure that the mind doesn't think is possible... Quick summary of Easter weekend -headed north to the parents place, got in some good rides, an ok swim and an ok run.. And indulged.. Then off to Blue Mountain for a 2 day work offsite where far too much food, red wine, and beer was consumed.... So - when Friday morning rolled around and at 5:45 our monthly 3000m time trial was to be done I was a wee bit concerned... 1st time trial I did was 1:21, next time was 1:17. I wanted to shave some more time off this month but after missing 2 days of swim practice due to the holiday weekend + the over the top splurging I was nervous...  1:15 later I was done the time trial and had shaved 2 minutes off - and could have done better... Next time!!!
So Saturday rolls around at at 7AM I'm at the meeting place for a 3 hour ride on the bike with a group of guys lovingly referred to by some as the A team... But I'm mentally ready... I'm turning back early since I have plans with my sister and niece I cannot be late for... Plus I've got my regular back wheel on the bike and when I was in the shop last night doing that I also upgraded the rear cassette to a better one for climbing/hills... Went from an 11x23 to and 11x28... It was a perfect day to be out - crisp and cool when we started out but as the ride progressed and the sun kept climbing it warmed up nicely... Lots of uphills and downhills except the hills all seemed to be upwards on the way back... Needless to say 3:33 later I'm back in the parking lot and have completed just under 100km ride with an everage 27.2 km/hour pace... WOOHOO.... Right???
OOOPS - guess what's happening at 8AM on Sunday morning? I'm registered to run a 1/2 marathon... And I've told people I'm doing it so I can't not show or wimp out.... Even better I shared my time goal with a few people - my tri coach included so now I really have to be on...... So off to bed early I go...
Sunday AM - alarm goes off at 5:30.. Why so early?? So I can have some breakfast and be "ok" on the run... Port a Potties on a race course are not always optimal places to be... But the sleep is lovely so it's 6:10 before I roll out of bed... Grab a quick bowl of cereal, forego the coffee, get dressed and jump in the car... I get 1/2 way around the circle and realize I have forgotten my Garmin watch and my sunglasses... So - back I go... Take the garmin off the charger, grab my sunglasses and back in the car..  Hit the power button on the Garmin and wait - the screen is still blank and no beeping noise???? What the ???? I NEED MY GARMIN.. How else can I keep pace and my walk breaks and know how I'm doing??  So I try again. Still no luck..  UUUGGHHHH.... This has NEVER happened before but - I head back to my house again. Grab a basic watch that the HR monitor is broken on but at least will keep my time.. But - no pace, no interval settings, no HR monitor.....
But - I know the pace bunny for 2:15 so if I stick with her then I can drop off a bit and still hit my goal of 2:20 which will shave 18 minutes off my last 1/2 marathon race.. OK - finally make it to the race location. Whew... Get my chip, check out general area, think about if there's a possibility of switching to the 10k race given that my morning has not started off well and I am doubting if this is a good idea or not....  Anyway- at one point in time I think I'll go back to my car and see if my Garmin might start now.... 1/2 way back the car I realize my sunglasses are missing off my person... Hmm - stop and think. Last place I know I had them was the washroom... Great... Back I go and luckily - THERE THEY ARE... Ok - sign from the higher power that this is all going to work out well...
Advice I took from a magazine article I read recently was - ignore the first 5 minutes of any workout... For me it's more like the first 10-20 depending....  But - 2:26 later there I was crossing that finish line!!! No Garmin to keep pace, lots of hills which were not a factor in my previous 1/2 marathon (it was all downhill in fact), and the bike ride the day before...... So 6 minutes over my goal BUT - I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I recently ordered a Road ID bracelet and had "Because I CAN" inscribed on it along with the pertinent medical and emergency contact info.. So true it is - put your mind to the test and the body will follow. It will groan and mumble, adn scream back at you. It will freeze up at times and you may think at some points that you are sucking the last bit of oxygen out of the air but.... You look ahead, pick a point that you're going to keep running to - you can't stop until you hit that point and somehow your legs keep moving, your feet keep pushing and YOU DID IT!!!!!
PS - I now know the trick for fixing my Garmin next time but hey - I also know I can do it without the technology and just my head....

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