Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Lake Placid

July 22-25 I spent down in Lake Placid.. It was a combination of a training weekend, little vacation, and to watch and support some friends who were doing the Ironman on Sunday. 
Arrived in LP Friday midday and immediately got ready to head out on the bike... Ok- the first part of that ride was DEADLY... I honestly questioned what the hell I was doing and then began wondering if I'd somehow lost some bike fitness overnight??? Reality was no I didn't lose any fitness I hadn't eaten properly and the "A" team decided to kill us all with a zone 4 start in the mountains.... After we made it into Keene and regrouped I had some gel and gatorade and felt better for the rest of the ride, back to normal... A bit unsettling though... And the jump into the pool followed by a cold beer was an awesome recovery!!!!
Saturday was an early swim then breakfast then another ride... 90k turned into 70 and a run after turned into lounging by the pool....  Here's the vaca part.... 
Then Sunday - the day of the race... First I did get some training in. After the swim portion was over I got one loop of the swim course in  followed by a 14K run...  But - the Ironman... WOW. I keep telling people that I have lost count of the number of times I was completely overwhelmed and wanted to cry... From that incredible swim start to watching the pros and age groupers out on the bike.. To the difference between the people on the run course 10 hours in vs. the people out there at 11PM at night with only 1 hour to make it to the oval and cross that line.. When we arrived in Placid the energy in the air was palpable. By Sunday it was like a fog..  While everyone we knew finished the race there were others who did not. Seeing that pain in their faces as a medic walked them outside of the oval, that look of desparation. It really brought it home. You can train. You can mentally prepare. You can be at the peak of your fitness. But there are still factors you cannot control that can end your day early. And then there's your head.. There were those who dug deep and pulled out everything they had to make it across that finish line.. I wonder if the woman on the bike I talked to made it to the end and is an Ironman now.....
So. I have 46 days to Muskoka 70.3 and I have 388 days until Mont Tremblant.... And I have a LOT of work to do! But I will do it because I CAN!!!

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